You have just landed on airfield of the Jagdstaffel 5
"Green Tails" in 1917 - Willkommen

J5 Flight Line

Jasta Flights normally begin Saturdays at 1700 GMT/UTC and Sundays at 1800 GMT/UTC.  Meet in the Radio Room (see the tab on menu bar to left).




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Above:  Aerodrome look-out post.  Equipment includes a telephone under the roofed structure at left, a Goerz rangefinder on tripod stand and air-driven Klaxon type horn operated by a large oxygen bottle.

If you are looking for the pilots Forum along with the latest flight schedules click the Morgenpost News icon on the top left.  You may even find some old war stories and the latest rumors from the Front.


Here in the Observation Tower are some links to other sites which should be of interest to you.  Check out the links pages on these sites to find tutorials, patches and other online resources.  We've pointed you in the right direction, now don't get caught over enemy lines!





Featured Artists of Jasta 5

If you enjoy the artwork found on our site, you may like viewing these artists other works.   


Mark Miller - work is used with artist's permission.  The members of the Red Baron community continue to admire his work and appreciate his support of the WWI flight-sim communities.


Barry Weekly Prints  





Other WWI Sites


First World War / Airwar

Over the

Der Rote Baron

The Aerodrome

WWI Document Archives

The Prussian Machine







WWI Period Music




German/Bavarian Music


Victoria Edelweiss Club

(Bavarian flag courtesy of Flags of the World)






Jasta 5 and this site is not-for profit and non-commercial. Please see "Our Mission" and "Our Code" webpages linked above to learn more about us.  Historical accuracy has been a goal, so if you see that something is missing, needs to be corrected or changed, please let me know.  Proper credit to sources are attempted whereever possible.  If you see something that may infringe on your rights, please just let me know.  I will be happy to correct it to your satisfaction. This website is dedicated to the enhancement and enjoyment of World War I flight simulations, not the promotion of any political or philosophical views.    Red Baron 3D is a registered trademark of Mad Otter Games.  Rise of Flight is a registered trademark of 777 Studios.  IL2 and Flying Circus are published by 1C-777 Limited.

Paul Baumer 2004 - 2019.   All rights reserved.